Posts Tagged ‘property’

5 things you need to know before investing in property

Investing in property is one of the best strategies for building wealth. While there is no definitive right and wrong approach, there are a few things you should consider before investing in a property to minimise risk and maximise your returns.


Infrastructure such as roads, bridges, telecommunications, transport access, and amenities can impact on the value of a potential investment. A location with sound infrastructure is likely to offer more predictable … Read more »

Australians are using home equity wisely

Over the last four years the number of investment property loans in Australia has grown by 37% compared to an increase of only 4% in the number of owner occupied loans.

Check out the latest findings from the Roy Morgan Research Consumer Single Source survey of approximately 45,000 people per annum thanks to Announcer.


The survey reported that the 35 to 64 age group accounted for 78% of the … Read more »

Top tips for boosting your rental income through improvements

Many investors believe renovation projects are the best way to increase their rental returns. Yet simple DIY improvements can also push up the rent you receive at a fraction of the cost. Industry experts reveal their top tips for higher rental rewards in an article in Smart Property Investment.

1. Scope out the competition

Before embarking on a home improvement mission, investors need to understand how their property measures up to those of their … Read more »

What is Negative Gearing?


When it comes to investing in property, you might have come across the term ‘negative gearing’, but do you fully understand what negative gearing actually is? Mark Mendell at iBuyNew discusses his thoughts.

What is negative gearing?

Negative gearing is where your rental income from your rental tenants is not enough to cover your mortgage repayments and other associated property costs, like property management fees so you end up making a loss. In order to … Read more »

Fact or fiction: all investment properties double in value in seven years?

When it comes to investment myths, one of the main ones we hear is that all investment properties double in value every seven to 10 years. This is simply untrue. Although in some instances it may play out for some investors, it is by no means a rule on which you should base your investment decisions. RBA chairman, Glenn Stevens, says that ‘property today won’t deliver the same capital growth … Read more »

How to best leverage the equity in your property

The equity homeowners have in their property is likely the biggest untapped source of available capital for property investment. The real estate market in cities like Sydney, where prices rose nearly 16 per cent last year, is well and truly booming. Yet many homeowners who have benefitted from rising sale prices face the question of leveraging equity with deep trepidation.

Have idle equity? Here’s what to do.

With sound financial planning … Read more »

What is deductible and what’s not for property investors?

Many expenses relating to investment properties are tax deductible. With the end of financial year in sight, property investors should be planning to maximise their property investment tax deductions. By claiming the available tax deductions, your rental profit can reduce and ultimately reduce your taxable income.

Deductions apply for any property you own that is available for rent, hence excluding your home or personal holiday accommodation. Listing with agents can help … Read more »

Why property investment is the best vehicle to build wealth

The best way to build wealth, of course, is to have wealth in the first place – not a particularly useful piece of advice for those of us who arrive in the world sans silver spoon. Property investment is the next best choice.

With low interest rates and booming demand, the time is certainly right. Property investment is a vehicle that is widely available to investors starting out, and it provides … Read more »