Posts Tagged ‘property market’

How to secure a mortgage

You hear about people getting mortgage loans all the time, in fact, it seems to be the most talked about subject when it comes to buying a house and is spoken about in very casual manner. Unfortunately, this perspective can lead us not to know the first thing about mortgage loans and leads us to assume that it just “happens”.

The fact is, to secure a mortgage … Read more »

First home buyer? Here are 4 mistakes to avoid

Although at first glance buying your first home may seem exciting, it is not always so easy and can lead to a lot of stress and mixed emotions. Besides the obvious financial hassle, your family and friends are all pulling you left and right in regards to what to do, much of which is uninformed and outdated advice.

The decision may be one of the biggest financial … Read more »

More Sydney suburbs have a median house value of $2 million than a median value under $600,000

Source: CoreLogic

We take a retrospective look at median dwelling values across the suburbs of Australia to show the deterioration of more affordable housing across the capital cities.

A retrospective look at median dwelling values across the suburbs of Australia shows the bracket creep that has occurred over the current growth cycle, highlighting the deterioration of more affordable housing across the capital cities over the past five years.

At the end … Read more »

The power of leveraging property

It could be argued that the main reason people invest in property is to build wealth, right? It might seem like you need to already have huge amounts of savings before you can start investing in property, but that isn’t necessarily the case. While it is a good idea to have cash flow and money to fall back on, there are ways to use your money wisely to … Read more »

How to pick the right tenant for your investment property

You’ve got a great investment property, you love it and you want it to be loved and cared for by the people who live there, right? Seems straightforward enough, but choosing the right tenant for your investment property isn’t always easy. It’s a decision that needs to be carefully and fairly executed.

So who is your ideal tenant? Simply someone that pays rent on time? To have … Read more »

Sydney’s next boom pocket

Gentrification is the process of improving an area to conform or be in line with middle-class taste. Traditionally occurring in low socioeconomic neighbourhoods, gentrification changes the face and landscape of suburbs from tired, worn and uninspiring to the modern market’s needs and wants.

Beneficial for buyers and investors, gentrified neighbourhoods offer affordability and a strong potential for significant capital growth. Redfern, Paddington and Woolloomooloo … Read more »

Important changes to Strata Title Legislation

More than 90 changes to Strata Title Legislation have now commenced. These changes will affect all stakeholders that own, live in, manage or operate a business from a Strata Title Property.

The most significant changes that will affect administration of your strata scheme sit around the conduct of General Meetings within the Owners Corporation, including;

Tenant participation

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Renovating vs. Improving: What’s worth it?

As an investment property owner, it’s important to find the balance between maximising your property’s value and your cash flow. If you invest in the property through renovating you could potentially increase your equity, allowing you to reinvest or increase your rental capacity or capital growth. However, any money spent on your property will ultimately affect your cash flow. So, before you upgrade your investment property, understanding the difference between … Read more »

Rental property in tenant market

5 tips for landlords in a tenant’s market

Rental rates in Australia are falling at the fastest pace ever recorded. According to the latest Rent Review Snapshot, the average rental rate in Australia’s capital cities has fallen by 0.3% in just 12 months. This may be great news for renters, however landlords are now feeling the pressure to meet market values, and it is to their detriment. Despite the current state of the market being … Read more »

How to spot a surging market

How to spot a surging market

A surging housing market can often be difficult to differentiate from a short term boom or strong selling season, however there are a few indicators to suggest a housing market is peaking. A surging housing market occurs at a phase in the property market cycle when housing prices have risen to their peak and will subsequently slow in the final stages of the property cycle. The best time to sell … Read more »