Posts Tagged ‘property investment’

Mortgage holders: What to do when your fortune changes

After being at record lows for some time, interest rates may soon be back on the rise with Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, NAB and ANZ increasing their rates for all mortgage holders.

Mortgage holders may find themselves with mortgages that cost more than expected but there are some things you can do to ready yourself when rates rise, such as refinancing, budgeting and insurances.

Read the full article at

Considering refinancing? Talk … Read more »

6 things that can go wrong with property investing – and how to avoid them

No investment is risk free, so the more you know about the less glamorous aspects of being a property owner, the more likely you are to recover if things go wrong.

Understanding how to manage the various risks associated with being a landlord enables you to make the most of your portfolio.

If you’re prepared for all outcomes, small bumps in the road won’t knock you out of the game. Lisa Indge shares her … Read more »

The buy-and-hold strategy explained

The buy-and-hold property investment strategy is the most commonly used among Australian investors due to its simplicity, passive nature and reduced risk compared to other strategies.

Adam Grocke at Smart Property Investment explains the investment strategy.

A buy-and-hold property investment strategy requires less investment knowledge, less risk and less deposit, making it a great entry level investment. The key to this strategy is to simply purchase a property and retain it until you have … Read more »

Top tips for boosting your rental income through improvements

Many investors believe renovation projects are the best way to increase their rental returns. Yet simple DIY improvements can also push up the rent you receive at a fraction of the cost. Industry experts reveal their top tips for higher rental rewards in an article in Smart Property Investment.

1. Scope out the competition

Before embarking on a home improvement mission, investors need to understand how their property measures up to those of their … Read more »

Fact or fiction: all investment properties double in value in seven years?

When it comes to investment myths, one of the main ones we hear is that all investment properties double in value every seven to 10 years. This is simply untrue. Although in some instances it may play out for some investors, it is by no means a rule on which you should base your investment decisions. RBA chairman, Glenn Stevens, says that ‘property today won’t deliver the same capital growth … Read more »

How to best leverage the equity in your property

The equity homeowners have in their property is likely the biggest untapped source of available capital for property investment. The real estate market in cities like Sydney, where prices rose nearly 16 per cent last year, is well and truly booming. Yet many homeowners who have benefitted from rising sale prices face the question of leveraging equity with deep trepidation.

Have idle equity? Here’s what to do.

With sound financial planning … Read more »

How to find suburbs with sustainable capital growth potential

One of the key pillars to smart property investment is finding suburbs likely to experience capital growth. Savvy investors have been lucky enough to invest in suburbs on the cusp of a boom and have reaped the rewards of rising property values.

When looking for suburbs with capital growth potential, it is critical to ensure that that growth will be sustainable. Some suburbs present short-term capital growth opportunities which don’t always … Read more »

Why property investment is the best vehicle to build wealth

The best way to build wealth, of course, is to have wealth in the first place – not a particularly useful piece of advice for those of us who arrive in the world sans silver spoon. Property investment is the next best choice.

With low interest rates and booming demand, the time is certainly right. Property investment is a vehicle that is widely available to investors starting out, and it provides … Read more »