Posts Tagged ‘property investment’

Does walkability affect house prices?

Does walkability affect house prices?

Proximity to transport, infrastructure and leisurely amenities should be a key consideration when purchasing a home or an investment property. Tenants look for convenience when applying for a home, which is why investors should pay particular attention to the walkability score of a potential purchase. But what is the true value of a high walkability score? Can it truly affect housing prices? As an investor, it would be common to … Read more »

Sunshine Coast Update: New infrastructure affects property investment

The Sunshine Coast is undergoing a massive infrastructure overhaul as the city continues to grow, with population forecasts predicting a 13.7 percent increase over the next five years. Aside from its sheer beauty, stunning beaches, and comfortable climate, the Sunshine Coast is a booming city making big strides to becoming an important infrastructure hub in Queensland.

Some of the city’s biggest infrastructure projects include the following:

Sunshine Coast Airport. The airport … Read more »

Australia’s Ongoing Property Crash Speculation

The past two years have seen much speculation around the potential for a property crash in Australia. With record prices, high clearance rates and low interest rates, commentary about the potential bust of a property bubble has been sparking debate and varying opinions amongst key commentators and the media. The best way to understand the property market and if there is a property crash looming is to study the framework … Read more »

Saving for your first deposit?

How to save for your first deposit

Whether you’re saving for your first home or first investment, there are clever ways to reach your goal. Purchasing your first property will be both challenging and rewarding. Throughout the process it’s important to keep your goal at the forefront of your mind to stay motivated. Maintaining focus from the outset will help you stay on track, and avoid distraction. Here are a few tips to save for your first … Read more »

Brexit: What does it mean for the Australian property market?

It’s been a global topic for months, and although the outcome of Britain’s infamous decision to leave the EU might seem like old news, the repercussions of Brexit are set to stick around. We may be geographically distanced from our Pommy mates, however there’s no denying that England still has a significant impact on our country. Brexit has already affected global financial markets and caused tension in the UK and … Read more »

Brisbane Airport set to become Australia’s second international hub: what does this mean for property investors?

Brisbane Airport is set to overtake Melbourne Airport as Australia’s second most important international hub, positioning the city as a major global gateway for tourists, investors and therefore ongoing cash injections. With 28 overseas destinations currently on the Brisbane flight map, it’s just one flight path shy of Melbourne’s offering of 29 destinations. However when Shanghai services are added to the airport routes in November, Brisbane will become the nation’s … Read more »

Why you shouldn’t rely on rental yield

Rental yield is a measurement of potential future rental income on an investment, and is generally calculated as a percentage based on the investment’s cost or market value. Rental yield can be used to compare properties and ascertain which option is better.

In Australia, we’re seeing a rise in rental yields, and while a good indicator on a sound investment, an investor shouldn’t rely solely on … Read more »

Why the Australian economy will stay strong in 2016

In the wake of the Chinese stock market falling, American interest rates rising, and the Australian dollar falling, some commentators have predicted weak property performance for 2016. Commentary about facing a recession or similar economic circumstances to the global financial crisis are running hot.

However, as Ross Gittins, Economics Editor at the Sydney Morning Herald, has suggested this ‘doom and gloom’ is in fact overstated. While … Read more »

How to benefit from your property’s depreciation

As a property investor, it is important to become familiar with the tax benefits available to you. When a property is being used for investment purposes, the Australian Tax Office allows investors to claim the decline in value of the building by way of a tax deduction. The total amount that can be deducted is calculated on an individual basis.

The most efficient way to claim … Read more »

How to build a multi property portfolio

72 per cent of investors only own one property in Australia. This represents a lost opportunity considering the best way to unlock the financial benefits of investing in property is to own multiple assets. The key to building a strong portfolio is tapping into your equity, which can be converted into cash for deposits for future investments. But starting this process can be overwhelming, often discouraging investors to … Read more »