Posts Tagged ‘investing’

Positively geared investments vs. Negatively geared investments

If you’re in the property investment market, or hoping to be, you’ve very likely heard the terms ‘positive and negative gearing’. The two terms relate to different investment strategies, with different outcomes. What works for one investor may not work for another, so it’s important to look at your options based on your own individual needs or financial constraints.

So, what’s the difference between positive and negative … Read more »

Sydney’s next boom pocket

Gentrification is the process of improving an area to conform or be in line with middle-class taste. Traditionally occurring in low socioeconomic neighbourhoods, gentrification changes the face and landscape of suburbs from tired, worn and uninspiring to the modern market’s needs and wants.

Beneficial for buyers and investors, gentrified neighbourhoods offer affordability and a strong potential for significant capital growth. Redfern, Paddington and Woolloomooloo … Read more »

Retiring with investment property

Retiring with investment property

What’s your retirement plan? With the average life expectancy getting longer every year, it means we all have to plan as best we can for our retirement, with the aim of being financially stable and secure long into our golden years. It’s more apparent now than ever before that our superannuation just isn’t going to be enough to fund the rest of our lives past retirement.

This is why more and … Read more »

Rentvesting: The new property trend for investors

Rentvesting: The new property trend for investors

Rentvesting has become a popular trend as more and more people look to build wealth through property. With Australian housing prices on the rise and seemingly out of reach for the average income, this trend has opened the door for many new investors to enter the market. The idea behind rentvesting is that people continue to rent a property that suits their lifestyle; close to work, schools, restaurants, transport and … Read more »

Commercial property

5 things to consider before buying a commercial investment

Commercial investing can be a tricky business. That said, buying a commercial property can be an extremely wise investment. Rental yields are much higher in commercial than they are in residential and can therefore result in higher return on investment. Like with any type of property investment, investing in commercial property comes with risks. If you’re looking to invest in commercial, here are a few things to consider before taking … Read more »

Saving for your first deposit?

How to save for your first deposit

Whether you’re saving for your first home or first investment, there are clever ways to reach your goal. Purchasing your first property will be both challenging and rewarding. Throughout the process it’s important to keep your goal at the forefront of your mind to stay motivated. Maintaining focus from the outset will help you stay on track, and avoid distraction. Here are a few tips to save for your first … Read more »